ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Outer Continental Shelf

The outer continental shelf is like a big underwater shelf or platform that is found beyond the shoreline of a country or continent. It is kind of like a big underwater table that extends out from the land area and into the ocean.

This area of the ocean is usually shallow, meaning not very deep, and it is located where the land starts to slope down into the ocean. The outer continental shelf can be many miles wide and it is an important area for many things, like fishing, oil and gas exploration, and wind energy production.

Governments of countries have control over the outer continental shelf and they make important decisions on how it can be used to benefit their citizens. This includes things like allowing companies to explore for oil or gas, setting rules for fishing, and deciding where wind turbines can be placed.

Overall, the outer continental shelf is an important part of the ocean that is closely managed and used in different ways to help provide energy and resources to people living on land.