ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Overheating (electricity)

Okay kiddo, have you ever played with a toy that had batteries inside? Maybe a remote-controlled car? Well, when you put batteries inside a toy, electricity flows through them to make the toy work. But if you use the toy too much or leave it on for too long, the batteries can get too hot, just like your hands get hot if you hold something for too long.

Now imagine that the toy is really big and has lots and lots of batteries inside. This could be something like a computer, a phone, or even a car. If too much electricity flows through all those batteries, they might get too hot and start to melt or even catch fire! This is bad, so we want to make sure that doesn't happen.

To prevent overheating, we need to control how much electricity flows through the batteries. This can be done in a few different ways. Sometimes the batteries will have a special chip inside that can slow down the flow of electricity if it starts to get too hot. Other times there might be fans or vents to cool the batteries down.

So basically, overheating happens when too much electricity flows through something and it gets too hot. But we can prevent this from happening by controlling the flow of electricity and making sure things stay cool.