ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Partisan (politics)

Partisan politics means that people have different opinions about how the government should work and the decisions it should make. Imagine you and your friend want to play a game, but you can't agree on what game to play. You want to play hide and seek, but your friend wants to play tag. This is like partisan politics because you have different ideas and can’t seem to agree.

In politics, there are two main groups: the Democrats and the Republicans. They have different ideas about how the government should work and what laws it should make. They have their own rules, ways of thinking, and beliefs. Each person in these groups is called a partisan.

Just like you and your friend, partisans have a hard time agreeing on things. They argue and fight about what laws to make, who should be in charge, and how much money the government should spend. It can be frustrating when the partisans don't agree because it's hard to get things done in the government.

Partisan politics can also make people dislike each other because they don't agree. That's why it's very important to be respectful and kind to people who have different opinions than we do.