ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Patent application

A patent is like a special sticker or badge that you put on a cool idea or invention you came up with. This sticker means only you get to use or make money from your idea for a certain amount of time, usually 20 years. But before you can put on this sticker, you have to fill out a form called a patent application.

The patent application asks you lots of questions about your idea, like what it does, how it works, and what makes it special. You have to answer these questions very carefully and draw some pictures or diagrams to show what your idea looks like.

Once you've filled out the application, you send it to a special office called the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Think of this like sending a letter to the patent police who are experts in making sure nobody else tries to steal your idea.

The patent police look at your application and do some research to see if anyone else has already come up with the same idea. If nobody else has, the patent police will give you your special sticker - your patent!

Now that you have your patent, you can use your idea and nobody else can copy it or try to make money from it without your permission. And if they do, you can use your patent to stop them and protect your invention.