ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Patent misuse

Patent is like a special toy that a person makes and only they can play with it. Other people have to ask for permission to play with it. However, sometimes the person who made the toy can be mean and not let anybody play with it, even if they are allowed to. That's called patent misuse.

It's just like when you have a snack and you're not sharing it with anyone, even though you're supposed to. That's not nice and is similar to patent misuse.

Patent misuse happens when the person who has the patent is not playing fair and is not letting other people use the toy in the way they should, even if they are allowed to. It's like they're breaking the rules of the game and being a bad player.

This is not allowed, and the person who has the patent can get in trouble for it. They might even lose their special toy altogether. So, it's important to play fair and share with others, just like when you're playing a game with your friends.