ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pathological lying

Pathological lying is when someone tells lies all the time and can't stop. It's like when you tell a fib to get out of trouble with your parents, but imagine doing that all the time and about everything, big or small. People who do this might not even realize they're lying. It's like a habit they can't stop doing, even if it hurts other people. It can happen because of things like wanting attention, being afraid of getting in trouble, or feeling like they have to impress other people. But sometimes, it's just a problem with their brain and they can't help it. It's important to understand that lying all the time is not okay, and it can be very harmful to relationships and trust. If someone tells you a lot of lies, you might not be able to trust them and it can make it hard to have a good relationship with them.