ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Paticca-samuppada is a big and complicated word from a language called Pali, which was spoken a long time ago in a place called India. It means something like "dependent origination" or "dependent arising".

Now, let me explain it to you like you're 5 years old. Imagine you have a toy tower made of blocks. You like playing with it, but sometimes you accidentally bump into it and make it fall. When that happens, you have to pick up all the blocks and start building the tower all over again.

In a way, your toy tower is just like everything else in the world. Everything is made up of smaller parts that are connected to each other. And just like your tower, things in the world can fall apart and change.

Now, let's imagine that you're playing with your toy tower and your little sister comes over and starts helping you build it. You both work together, taking turns putting one block on top of the other until the tower is even taller than it was before. You made something new by working together!

This is where the idea of paticca-samuppada comes in. Everything that exists in the world is connected to other things. Just like how you and your sister worked together to build something bigger than what you could have made alone, all things in the world are connected and can change depending on the things around them.

So, paticca-samuppada is a way of understanding how everything in the world is connected and how things can change and evolve together. It's a big and complicated idea, but if you think about it like your toy tower, it might make a little more sense.