Hi there kiddo! Today we're going to learn about something called a people counter.
A people counter is a special machine that helps us count how many people go in and out of a place. Think of it like a really smart and helpful friend who can remember how many people they've seen come and go.
The people counter usually sits near a door or entrance, and sometimes it looks like a little box or a camera. When people walk through the door, the people counter uses magic to sense them and keeps track of how many people it sees.
This is really helpful for places like stores, museums, and airports because it helps the people who work there know how many people are inside at any given time. This is important because it helps them make important decisions like when to open more check-out lanes or when to close the store for the night.
So, in summary, a people counter is a magic machine that helps us count how many people go in and out of a place, and it's really helpful for the people who work there to know how many people are inside at any given time. Cool, huh?