ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Peptide computing

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about something called peptide computing which is a way of solving problems using tiny molecules called peptides.

Peptides are like little Lego blocks that can stick together in specific ways, and scientists can use them to create what's called a computational system. This system can help solve problems in a biological system or even in a computer program.

Imagine a big puzzle that needs to be solved. Scientists can create peptides that fit together like puzzle pieces in a specific way to solve the puzzle.

Another example of peptide computing is in medicine. Sometimes our bodies need help fighting off bad things like viruses or bacteria. Scientists can design peptides that can recognize and stick to these bad things, kind of like a lock and key. Once the peptide sticks to the bad thing, it can help the body destroy it.

Overall, peptide computing is a really cool way that scientists are using tiny molecules to solve big problems!