ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Perfect is the enemy of good

Okay kiddo, so imagine you are drawing a picture. You want it to be perfect, so you keep erasing and redrawing different parts of it until it's just right. But, while you're doing that, you forget to have fun and enjoy the process of drawing. You also end up spending a lot of time on just one drawing instead of drawing many different things.

That's kind of like what "perfect is the enemy of good" means. Sometimes when we try to make something perfect, we lose sight of what's important, like having fun or trying new things. We spend so much time trying to get everything just right that we forget that good is still pretty great.

If we focus too much on perfection, we might not even finish what we're doing because we're never satisfied. And sometimes it's better to finish something that's good, rather than never finishing something because we're too focused on making it perfect.

So, it's okay to strive for excellence, but we shouldn't let perfection hold us back from trying new things, having fun and enjoying what we're doing.