ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Perovskite solar cell

Perovskite solar cells are special solar cells that can turn sunlight into electricity. Just like how you need a battery in a toy to make it work, you need a power source to make things work which requires electricity.

Perovskite solar cells are made up of different materials that work together to make electricity when sunlight shines on them. One of the important material in perovskite solar cells is perovskite which is a kind of crystal material that is really good at absorbing sunlight.

When sunlight falls on the perovskite, it makes a small electric charge inside the cell. This charge can then be collected and used to power things like lights or charge a phone.

Perovskite solar cells are really cool because they are really efficient at making electricity from sunlight. That means we don't need to use a lot of sunlight to get enough electricity to power things.

Perovskite solar cells are also really flexible, which means they can bend and curve to fit into different shapes and sizes. This makes them really useful for things like solar-powered clothes or backpacks.