ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nanocrystal solar cell

A solar cell is like a small piece of technology that uses sunlight to create energy that we can use to power things like our homes and appliances.

A nanocrystal solar cell is a special type of solar cell that uses tiny particles called nanocrystals to help improve how well it can convert sunlight into energy.

Imagine you have a cookie dough recipe and the recipe calls for regular flour, but you switch it out with tiny little pieces of flour that are 100 times smaller than regular flour. You would end up with lots of tiny little cookies instead of big ones. That's kind of like how nanocrystals work in a solar cell.

Nanocrystals are so tiny that they have special properties that can help the solar cell work better. They can help absorb more sunlight and make it easier for the cell to transfer that energy into electricity.

Basically, by making use of these tiny particles, nanocrystal solar cells can be more efficient at taking in the sun's energy and turning it into useable electricity.
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