ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Perpetual war

Perpetual war means a continuing or never-ending conflict between two or more groups or countries. Imagine if you and your friend always fought over the same toy, and even when you found a new toy, you still fought about it. That is like perpetual war, where people or countries fight over something repeatedly and can't find a way to stop it.

Now, when countries or groups are at war, they may have certain reasons for fighting. They might want resources like oil or land, they might be fighting for their beliefs or ideology, or they might be protecting themselves from a perceived threat.

But sometimes, the reasons for fighting can become less important than the fighting itself. It means that they have been fighting for so long that even if they achieve their original goal, they still keep fighting. This can happen because some people or groups profit from the war, like weapon manufacturers or warlords who gain power and wealth.

The perpetual war can be very bad for everyone involved - there can be a lot of destruction, death, and suffering. And it can be hard to find a solution to stop it because the fight has gone on for so long, and people have become used to it. But it doesn't mean that we should give up. It is important to keep trying to find a way to end the conflict and establish peace.