ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pesticide toxicity to bees

Pesticides are special chemicals used by farmers to protect their crops from pests, which are little bugs that like to eat plants. These chemicals can be harmful to bees that help pollinate these plants.

Bees are tiny little creatures that flit around from flower to flower, helping plants grow by transferring pollen from one plant to another. This pollen helps create seeds, fruit and new plants. Without bees, we wouldn't have many of the foods we like to eat, such as apples, almonds or blueberries.

When bees come across plants that have been sprayed with pesticides, the chemicals stick to their bodies and are taken back to their hive. Over time, these chemicals can accumulate in the hive and become toxic to the bees. Pesticides can also affect a bee's memory and navigation skills, making it harder for them to find their way back to the hive.

Because bees are such an important part of our ecosystem, it is vital that we protect them from pesticides. Farmers can use less harmful pesticides and avoid spraying during times when bees are most active. We can also plant gardens with bee-friendly plants to provide extra food and shelter for these important creatures. By working together, we can help ensure that bees continue to pollinate our crops and provide delicious food for us to eat.