ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Pharmacovigilance is like looking after you when you take medicine to make sure you stay healthy. Just like when you eat food, you might have an upset tummy or feel sick, sometimes when you take medicine, you can feel worse instead of feeling better. Pharmacovigilance helps to find out why that happens and make sure that medicine is safe for you to take.

When people take medicine, doctors and scientists need to keep an eye on how they feel to make sure the medicine isn't making them sick. They do this by collecting information about people who are taking the medicine and any side effects they might have. Sometimes if enough people have the same problem, the medicine might be changed so it doesn't make people feel bad.

Pharmacovigilance keeps an eye on you and other people who are taking medicine, to make sure you stay safe and healthy. If you feel bad after taking medicine, you can tell your doctor, but the information is also sent to the people who look after pharmacovigilance so they can check if other people have the same problems. This helps keep everyone safe when they take medicine.