ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Photo-oxidation of polymers

Alright kiddo, let's talk about photo-oxidation of polymers. So, you know how when you play with your toys in the sun for a long time, they may start to look faded and weak over time? That's kind of like what happens to polymers when they are exposed to sunlight or other forms of ultraviolet radiation.

Polymers are materials made up of long chains of smaller molecules that are joined together. They are used in many things like plastic bottles, packaging materials, and even some clothing fibers. When these polymers are exposed to sunlight, the ultraviolet radiation breaks apart some of the links in these chains, causing them to become weaker and more fragile.

This process is called photo-oxidation. It happens because the UV radiation causes oxygen molecules in the air to become very reactive and to interact with the polymer chains, attacking them and breaking them apart. This can cause the polymers to become brittle and more prone to cracking or breaking.

But, that's not all. Photo-oxidation can also cause the polymers to change color or become discolored. This is because the UV radiation causes the polymers to form new chemical bonds, which may produce colored compounds. So, if you've ever seen a plastic toy or bottle that has turned yellow or brown over time, that could be due to photo-oxidation.

To protect against photo-oxidation, scientists have developed ways to include additives in the polymers that can help absorb or reflect the UV radiation. Additionally, avoiding excessive exposure to sunlight, storing materials in dark places, or using coatings on the surface can also help protect against photo-oxidation.

So, there you have it, photo-oxidation of polymers is when ultraviolet radiation from sunlight or other sources breaks down the long chains of polymer molecules, making them weaker, more brittle, and sometimes causing them to change color.