ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Piracy is theft

So let's say you have a toy. You really like playing with it, right? But then your friend comes over and sees your toy and says they want to play with it too. You say no because it's your toy and you don't want them to take it away.

But then your friend takes your toy without your permission and runs away with it. How would that make you feel? You would feel sad, right? And you would want your toy back because it's yours.

That's what piracy is like. When someone creates something like a movie or a song, it's like their toy. They worked hard to make it and they want it to belong to them. But then someone else takes it without their permission, just like your friend took your toy.

When someone pirates a movie, music or other intellectual property, they are taking something that doesn't belong to them. It's like stealing somebody's toy, just that it's a movie or a song.

So, piracy is stealing and it's wrong because it takes something that belongs to somebody else. We should always respect other people's things, whether it's a toy or a piece of music.