ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pitot tube

A pitot tube is a special tool that helps us measure how fast something is moving. It's like a little straw that sticks out of an airplane, and it has two parts: the pointed end (called the pitot head) and a little hole on the side of the straw (called the static port). As the plane flies through the air, the pitot head scoops up some of the air and sends it down the straw.

But why do we need to know how fast we're flying? Well, just like how a car has a speedometer to tell us how fast we're going, airplanes have something called an airspeed indicator. This tells the pilots how fast the plane is traveling through the air. The airspeed indicator works by using the pitot tube to measure the pressure of the air flowing over the pitot head. The faster the plane is moving, the higher the pressure, and the airspeed indicator shows a higher number.

So, the pitot tube is like a tiny straw that helps us figure out how fast we're going in an airplane. It's a really important tool for pilots because it helps them stay safe and fly efficiently.