ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Plant milk

Okay kiddo, so you know how milk comes from cows and is what we usually put on our cereal or drink with cookies? Well, some people can't have cow's milk because it might make their tummy hurt or they just want to eat things made from plants. So, we have something called plant milk!

Plant milk is made from plants instead of cows. Different types of plants can be used to make different types of milk, like soy, almond, coconut, oat, or rice milk. First, grown-ups soak the plants in water and then they blend them up really well. Then, they strain the mixture to separate the liquid and that liquid is what we call plant milk.

Plant milk might taste a little different than cow's milk because it is made from different things, but it is still yummy! Plus, it can also have some important nutrients in it like calcium which helps make our bones strong. Isn't that cool? So if you ever can't have cow's milk or just want to try something new, give plant milk a try!