ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pneumatic tube

Imagine a big straw that is really long and goes all around a building. This straw is called a pneumatic tube system. It's a way of sending messages or things like papers, money or medicine from one place to another really quickly.

Here's how it works: someone puts an item like a paper or medicine into a container and then puts the container into the pneumatic tube. Then, air pressure pushes the container through the tube until it reaches the other end.

Think of it like blowing up a balloon and then letting go - the air pushes the balloon forward. That's how the air in the tube moves the container too.

The container comes out at the other end and someone there can take it out and use what's inside. It's like magic!

Pneumatic tube systems are used in many places like hospitals, banks, and even some stores. They make it really easy and fast to move things around without having to walk or use a car.