ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine you have a special toy that magically shows you hidden messages. This toy is called a polariscope. It helps you see if certain materials are stressed out or playing nice with each other.

The polariscope has two parts: a light source and a filter. The light source sends out light waves that bounce around and move in different directions. This is called polarization. The filter is like a special pair of glasses that only lets light waves through if they are all moving in the same direction.

Now, let's say you have a clear piece of plastic. Normally, light waves would pass right through it without any problems. But sometimes, the plastic can get all bent and twisted, causing the light waves to scatter and bounce around in all different directions. This tells us that the plastic is stressed out and needs to be fixed.

When you look at the plastic through the polariscope, you’ll see the hidden message of stress. You can see rainbow patterns and dark spots where the light waves are blocked by the filter. This tells you that the plastic needs some extra love and attention to make it stronger and healthier.

In summary, the polariscope is a cool toy that helps you see stress and hidden messages in materials by using light waves and filters.