ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union

So, a long time ago there was a country called the Soviet Union. The people who were in charge of the Soviet Union didn't always agree with what other people thought or did. They wanted things to be done their way, even if other people had different ideas.

One of the things they did was use something called psychiatry. This is when doctors try to help people who have problems with their mind or emotions. But in the Soviet Union, they used psychiatry in a bad way. They would say that people who thought differently than them had a mental illness. But really, these people weren't sick - they just had different ideas about how things should be done.

So, instead of being allowed to have their own thoughts and ideas, these people were put in hospitals and given medicine they didn't need. This was called "political abuse of psychiatry." It was a way for the government to control what people thought and did, even if it wasn't right.

This was a really bad thing for the people who were affected. They were often treated badly and didn't get to live their lives the way they wanted to. It's important to remember this so we can make sure it never happens again.