ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Political identity

Political identity is all about the group of ideas and beliefs that you feel most strongly about when it comes to how your government should work. Think of it like being on a team - some people feel like they're on the "red team" and think that the government should be in charge of a lot of things like healthcare and education, while others feel like they're on the "blue team" and think that individuals should have more freedom to make their own choices and the government should mostly stay out of the way.

Your political identity can also involve things like which political party you feel most aligned with (like Democrats, Republicans, or another party), as well as your opinions on specific political issues like taxes, gun control, and climate change.

Just like being on a team, people with different political identities can sometimes disagree and argue with each other. But it's important to remember that everyone has the right to their own beliefs and opinions, even if they're different from yours!