ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Poor White

Okay, so imagine that you and your friend both want to buy a toy. Your friend has lots of money saved up from doing chores and selling lemonade, but you don't have much money. You might feel sad or frustrated because you can't buy the toy like your friend can.

Now, imagine that this same situation happens with families - some families have a lot of money and others don't have as much. Sometimes, people who don't have as much money are called "poor."

When we talk about "poor white" people, we're talking specifically about white people who don't have a lot of money. Sometimes people think that all white people are rich, but that's not true. Just like how you and your friend can have different amounts of money, white people can have different amounts of money too.

Being poor can be tough because it means you might not have enough money for the things you need or want. This can include things like food, clothes, and a safe place to live. It can also mean that you might not have the same opportunities as people with more money.

It's important to remember that being poor or not having a lot of money doesn't make someone a bad or lazy person. It's just a situation that some people are in, and we should try to help each other out whenever we can.