ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Portuguese pronouns

Well kiddo, pronouns are special words that we use instead of saying someone's name or repeating a noun over and over again. In Portuguese, pronouns work kind of like they do in English. There are different types of pronouns, and each one has a special job to do.

First, there are subject pronouns. These are the little words we use to talk about who is doing the action in a sentence. For example, "I" and "you" are subject pronouns in the sentence "I love you." In Portuguese, the subject pronouns are:

- Eu (I)
- Tu (you, informal)
- Ele (he)
- Ela (she)
- Nós (we)
- Vós (you all, informal)
- Eles (they, masculine/mixed gender)
- Elas (they, feminine)

Next, there are object pronouns. These are the words we use to talk about who or what is receiving the action in a sentence. For example, "me" and "you" are object pronouns in the sentence "He gave me the book." In Portuguese, the object pronouns are:

- Me (me)
- Te (you, informal)
- O (him/it)
- A (her/it)
- Nos (us)
- Vos (you all, informal)
- Os (them, masculine/mixed gender)
- As (them, feminine)

Finally, there are possessive pronouns. These are the words we use to show who something belongs to. For example, "my" and "your" are possessive pronouns in the sentences "This is my book" and "Is this your hat?" In Portuguese, the possessive pronouns are:

- Meu/minha (my)
- Teu/tua (your, informal)
- Seu/sua (his/her/its/your, formal)
- Nosso/nossa (our)
- Vosso/vossa (your all, informal)
- Seus/suas (their/yours, formal)

So there you have it, kiddo! This is a rundown of the different types of pronouns in Portuguese and what they do. Now you can talk about who is doing what and who belongs to what in the language just like a pro!