ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Power cable

A power cable is something that helps electricity travel from one place to another safely. Just like how we need a road to get from one place to another, electricity needs a path to follow as well.

The power cable has two parts, one is called the plug and the other is called the socket. The plug goes into the electrical outlet (the hole in the wall) and the socket is where you connect the device that needs electricity (like a TV or a computer).

The power cable is like a team of workers who work together to make sure the electricity is conducted properly. Just like how a team needs to work together to build a house, the wires inside the power cable need to work together to get the electricity from one place to another.

Inside the power cable, there are usually three wires, called live, neutral, and earth. The live wire carries the electricity to the device that needs to be powered, the neutral wire helps to complete the circuit, and the earth wire keeps everything safe in case something goes wrong.

So, the power cable is like a helper that makes sure electricity travels safely from the wall outlet to the device that needs it. Without a power cable, we wouldn't be able to use many of the electronic devices that we rely on every day!