ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

President's rule

Okay kiddo, so imagine you have a classroom and your friend is the class monitor. Your friend has the power to maintain order in the classroom and make sure everyone behaves properly. Just like that, in a country, we have a person called the President who has the power to maintain order and make sure everyone follows the rules properly.

But sometimes, the President may feel that a particular state in the country is not following the rules properly and there is too much chaos and confusion. So, the President can use a power called President's Rule to take over the state temporarily.

It's like how your class teacher takes over the class when the monitor is absent, but in this case, the President takes over the state government. The President sends his people to run the state and make sure everything is running smoothly until the situation in the state gets better.

But don't worry, this is not a bad thing. It's like a solution to a problem where the government is not able to do their job properly, and somebody has to take charge to fix it. When things get better, the President returns the power back to the state government.

That's the basic idea of President's Rule. It may seem complicated, but it's just a way for the President to help out when things go wrong in a state.