ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Program evaluation

Program evaluation is like a report card for grown-ups who run really important things.

For example, let's say your school principal wants to know if the after school program they started for kids is helping them with their homework. That's where program evaluation comes in!

Just like in school, a program evaluator will look at how many kids are attending the program, if they seem happy and engaged, and if their homework grades are improving because of the program.

The evaluator will then write a report and give it to the principal. The report will have lots of important information like graphs and charts to show how the program is doing.

The principal can then use this information to decide if they should keep the program running, change it, or stop it altogether.

So, program evaluation is a way to figure out if grown-ups are doing a good job running important things, like the after school program, and how they can make it even better.