ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


The proteome is like a huge toy box! Inside, there are lots and lots of different kinds of toys, each one with a special job to do. But instead of toys, it's made up of all the different types of proteins in our body.

Just like how toys are made up of different parts that make them work, proteins are made up of smaller building blocks called amino acids. And just like toys have different shapes and sizes, proteins come in different shapes and sizes too.

But why are these proteins so special? Well, they do all sorts of important jobs in our body! Some help us digest food, some help our muscles move, and others help our immune system fight off germs.

Scientists study the proteome to better understand all the different proteins in our body and what they do. By figuring out how these proteins work and interact with each other, they can learn more about how our body functions and how to treat diseases that happen when something goes wrong with the proteins.