ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pseudovaginal perineoscrotal hypospadias

Okay, so let's start with some basic body parts. You know how boys have a penis, and girls have a vagina? Well, sometimes when a baby is growing inside the mommy's tummy, something goes a little bit wrong and the baby's penis doesn't grow the way it's supposed to.

This can cause a condition called hypospadias, which means the opening where pee comes out is in the wrong place. Instead of being at the very tip of the penis like it should be, it might be down lower on the shaft or even underneath.

Pseudovaginal perineoscrotal hypospadias is a fancy name for a type of hypospadias where the opening is somewhere in the area between the penis and the scrotum (that's the part of a boy's body where his testicles hang). This can make it hard for the boy to pee standing up like he's used to seeing other boys do, and it might make it look like he has something more like a vagina instead of a penis.

But don't worry! Doctors can help fix this problem with a special kind of surgery. They'll move the opening to the right place at the tip of the penis, and make sure everything looks and works the way it's supposed to. It might take a few surgeries over a few years, but eventually the boy will be able to pee and use his penis like any other boy.