ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Puto bumbong

Puto bumbong is a type of Filipino snack that is traditionally eaten during Christmas season. It is made from purple-colored sticky rice called "pirurutong" that is soaked in water overnight, then ground and cooked in small bamboo tubes called "bumbong".

The bumbongs are placed on a steamer over boiling water and then steam-cooked until the puto bumbong is cooked through.

After the puto bumbong is cooked, it is removed from the bumbong and placed on a plate. Margarine or butter is then added to it, along with grated coconut and sugar.

The result is a deliciously sweet and warm snack that is slightly sticky and has a unique flavor. It's a yummy treat that many people look forward to during the holiday season!
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