ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Putrefaction is when stuff starts to rot and smell really bad. You know how when you leave a piece of fruit out for too long it starts to get mushy and gross? That's kind of like putrefaction.

When something dies, bacteria and other tiny creatures start to eat it up. They break it down and release gases that create a stinky smell. This is what makes dead things smell so bad!

Putrefaction usually happens when things are left out in the open air for a while. It's a natural process that happens in nature all the time, but it's not something we want to be around because it can be really gross and even dangerous if we breathe in too much of the stinky gases.

So, to sum it up: putrefaction happens when things start to rot and smell really bad because of bacteria and other creatures eating them up, and it's something we want to avoid if we can help it!