ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Quantum vacuum thruster

Have you ever seen a toy car move with the help of batteries? You put the batteries inside the car, turn it on, and it moves forward. But what if you didn't need batteries for the car to move? That's where a quantum vacuum thruster comes in!

First, let's talk about space. Space isn't just empty; it's filled with tiny particles called virtual particles that pop in and out of existence all the time. Scientists call this the quantum vacuum. It's not something we can see, but it's there.

Now, a quantum vacuum thruster basically takes advantage of these virtual particles. It works by creating a small amount of energy inside a container, commonly called a cavity, that is in a vacuum. The energy creates a virtual particle, which then interacts with another virtual particle in the vacuum.

When these two virtual particles interact, they create real particles that shoot out of the cavity. These particles have a force to them, which can propel the container forward. It's like blowing up and releasing a balloon in one direction – the movement in that direction creates a reaction that pushes the rest of the balloon in the opposite direction.

So, in essence, a quantum vacuum thruster moves a container by creating and interacting with virtual particles in the quantum vacuum. It's kind of like magic, but it's all based on science!