ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Quebec federalist ideology

Okay, so let's start by talking about Quebec and Canada. Quebec is a province in Canada, which means it's like a big area of land with lots of different people and places in it, kind of like a big neighborhood. And Canada is a country, which means it's like a really big neighborhood with lots of provinces in it, including Quebec.

Now, being a federalist means that you believe in a big organization or government that has control over many different areas or provinces. In Canada, the federal government is in charge of things like healthcare, taxes, and education, while the provincial governments (like Quebec's) are in charge of things like roads, schools, and hospitals.

So, a Quebec federalist is someone who believes that Quebec should be part of Canada and that the federal government should continue to have a strong role in governing the country. They think that being part of Canada helps Quebec to have more influence on the world stage and to benefit from things like shared economic resources and cultural diversity.

Some Quebec federalists also think that it's important to maintain a strong sense of French language and culture in Quebec, which is something that sets Quebec apart from the rest of Canada. They believe that being part of Canada doesn't have to mean giving up their unique identity as Quebecers.

Overall, being a Quebec federalist is about finding a balance between being part of a larger country while also maintaining a strong sense of identity and autonomy. It's kind of like being a member of a big family, where each person has their own unique personality and interests, but they all work together to make the family strong and happy.