ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Random testing

Random testing is a way of checking things to make sure they are working right. It's like closing your eyes and picking a toy out of a toy box. You don't know which toy you are going to get, but you hope it's a good one.

When people use random testing, they pick things to test without knowing which ones will be picked. This way, they can check many different things and make sure everything is working correctly.

For example, imagine a teacher wants to see if her students are learning. She could randomly choose some students to take a quiz, instead of just picking the best students. This way, she can check if everyone is learning, not just the ones who are already good at the subject.

Random testing is a good way to make sure everything is working properly because it helps find problems before they become big problems. It's like checking your bike before you ride it to make sure everything is working well. This way, you can fix any issues before you start riding and have a safe journey.