ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rapid modes of evolution

Have you heard of evolution? It's when living things change over long periods of time. Normally, evolution happens pretty slowly. Think about how your hair or nails grow. They do it really slowly, right?

But sometimes, things can happen that cause living things to change quickly. These big changes are called "rapid modes of evolution".

Picture a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. That's a big change! But it happens really fast. In just a few weeks or months, the caterpillar changes completely. This is an example of rapid evolution.

Another example is when animals have to adapt quickly to a new environment. For instance, imagine you're a bird that lives in a forest. But then, something happens that destroys the forest, and you have to fly to a different place to find food and shelter. The birds that can adapt the quickest to the new environment will survive and pass on their genes to their offspring.

So, rapid modes of evolution happen when living things have to change quickly in order to survive. It's like a super-fast version of regular evolution.