ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Reflexivity (sociology)

Reflexivity in sociology means that people's actions and beliefs are shaped by the society they live in, and they also shape the society they live in. It's like a cycle that goes back and forth.

Imagine you live in a house with your family. Your parents have certain rules and expectations that they want you to follow. You follow these rules, and this shapes the way you behave and think. But at the same time, the way you behave and think also affects your family's rules and expectations. Maybe you start to question why the rules are the way they are, and this could lead to changes in the way your family operates.

In society, this same cycle happens on a larger scale. Society has certain rules and expectations (like laws, cultural norms, and beliefs) that people follow. But people also have the power to change these rules and expectations through their actions and beliefs. For example, if enough people start protesting against a law they disagree with, it could lead to a change in the law.

So, reflexivity is all about how people and society interact with each other and shape each other. It's a way of understanding that we aren't just passive participants in society, but we actively shape it through our actions and beliefs.