ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Regalism is a big word that talks about a time when kings or queens thought they had all the power. It's like when a kid thinks they can do whatever they want because they are the boss of their toys or their friends.

Back in the old days, some kings and queens thought they had the same kind of power. They believed that they could make all the decisions for their country, like what people could do and what they couldn't do, and what kind of religion people should follow.

This was a problem because it meant that people didn't have a say in anything, and the king or queen had too much control. People didn't have freedom to choose what they wanted to do or believe.

Later on, people started to think differently. They believed that everyone should be treated equally, and that decisions shouldn't be made by just one person. They wanted to have a say in how things were run, and they wanted to have more freedom.

This led to a change in the way things were done, and regalism started to disappear. Now, in most places, everyone has a voice and people work together to make decisions. We have laws and rules that make sure everyone is treated fairly, and everyone has the right to believe what they want.