Hey kiddo! Have you ever heard of a regnal name? It's basically a name that a king or queen picks for themselves when they become ruler. Kind of like a nickname!
Okay, so let's pretend you are a king or queen. Your real name might be John or Sarah, but when you become ruler, you can pick a different name to go by. This name is called a regnal name.
For example, Queen Elizabeth II's real name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor. But when she became queen, she chose to go by the regnal name Elizabeth II instead of using her real name. This was to make it clear that she was the second queen named Elizabeth in England's history.
Sometimes rulers will choose a regnal name that honors a past king or queen they admire, or they might pick something that has personal meaning to them. It's like choosing a superhero name for yourself!
So there you have it, a regnal name is just the special name that a king or queen picks for themselves when they become ruler. It's like a nickname that shows they are now in charge!