ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Religious restrictions on the consumption of pork

Okay kiddo, so some people believe in certain religions that they shouldn't eat pork. This means they don't eat pigs or things that come from pigs like bacon, ham, or sausage.

One reason for this belief is that some religions consider pigs to be "unclean" animals. This means that they are seen as dirty or impure. Some people also believe that eating pork can make them spiritually impure.

Another reason is that in the past, when refrigeration and good cooking practices were not available, eating pork could lead to food poisoning or other illnesses. So, to stay healthy, people decided not to eat pork.

Nowadays, refrigeration and good cooking practices are very common, but some people still choose not to eat pork for religious reasons. It's important to respect other people's beliefs and dietary choices, even if they're different from our own.