ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Remote radio head

A remote radio head is a piece of equipment that helps make phones and other devices work. It’s kind of like a traffic cop for information that gets sent back and forth between devices.

You know how sometimes when you talk on your phone, you can hear the other person clearly, and other times you can’t? That’s because sometimes the signal is stronger and other times it’s weaker. A remote radio head helps make sure the signal is always strong.

Think of it like this: your phone is like a person who wants to cross a busy street. The remote radio head is like a special traffic light that helps them cross safely. It checks the signal strength and if it’s good, it lets your phone keep talking. If the signal is weak, it helps improve it so your phone can keep talking.

So, a remote radio head is a special piece of equipment that helps make sure your phone has a strong signal and can keep working properly.