ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Representation (arts)

Hi kiddo, do you like to draw pictures or watch cartoons? Representation in art is when an artist tries to create a picture that looks like a real object or person or shows an idea or story by using colors, lines, shapes, and other things like that.

It's like when you draw a picture of a bird with colors that make it look real or when you watch a cartoon that shows a story with characters that look like real people or animals.

Artists often use different styles or techniques to show what they want to convey, like painting, drawing, sculpting, or even making pictures with pixels on a screen. They can also use different mediums or materials, like paper, canvas, clay, or digital tools.

When artists represent something through their art, they might want to express an emotion, a message, or a particular view of the world. It can be funny, sad, beautiful, or thought-provoking.

So, next time you see a picture that represents something, remember that the artist is trying to show you a part of their imagination and creativity, and it's up to you to enjoy it, appreciate it, or even create your own!