ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition

Alright kiddo, let's dive into what a Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC) is all about.

You know how when we go to the doctor, they sometimes give us medicine or other things to help us feel better? Well, RHSC is a group of people who work together to make sure that everybody who needs medicines or other supplies for their "private parts" can get them easily.

These supplies can include things like birth control pills, condoms, sanitary pads for girls and women, and even equipment for doctors and clinics to do things like check-ups and tests. The people in RHSC want to make sure that everybody can have access to these supplies and that they are safe and effective to use.

RHSC also talks to governments, companies, and other organizations around the world to make sure that they understand why these supplies are important and how they can help make them available to everyone who needs them.

So, in simple terms, RHSC is a group of people who work together to make sure that everyone has access to the tools and supplies they need to take care of their reproductive health.