ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Residual-current circuit breaker

Okay, so let's imagine you're playing with a toy car and you accidentally get some metal in your mouth. Yuck! Your body is a bit like a car too, but instead of moving on wheels, it uses electricity to make things work.

Sometimes, when electricity travels through your body – like the metal in your mouth – it can be really dangerous because it can hurt you. That's why grown-ups use something called a residual-current circuit breaker to keep you safe.

A residual-current circuit breaker is like a secret ninja that helps grown-ups stop electricity from hurting you. It does this by looking out for strange electrical things that could hurt you, like when the electricity is trying to travel through your body instead of the wires. When it sees something dangerous, it quickly turns off the power before it can hurt you.

So there you have it! Just like a ninja that helps keep you safe when you're playing, a residual-current circuit breaker helps grown-ups keep you safe from electricity.