ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Resistance (ecology)

Resistance in ecology refers to the ability of a group of organisms or an ecosystem to resist disturbances or changes that could potentially alter their balance and structure.

Let's say you have a garden with many different types of plants growing in it. Each plant has its own role and place in the ecosystem of the garden. The soil provides nutrients to the plants, the sun provides light and energy, and the rain provides water.

Now imagine that a new, invasive plant species enters the garden. This plant could grow very quickly, take over the space where other plants grow, and use up most of the resources needed by the other plants. If the garden has low resistance, the invasive plant will likely take over and destroy the balance of the garden.

On the other hand, if the garden has a high resistance, the other plants may be able to tolerate the presence of the invasive plant. The soil could have enough nutrients for all the plants, and they could still get enough sunlight and water.

In general, high resistance in an ecosystem means that the system can withstand disturbances such as invasive species, pollution, or natural events like fires and floods. It allows the ecosystem to maintain its structure and function, to continue providing benefits to organisms that depend on it, and to ensure its long-term survival.