ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Resource room

A resource room is a special place where kids can go at school if they need a little extra help with their schoolwork. It's like a cozy little classroom with teachers who are really good at helping kids learn.

These teachers are called "resource teachers" and they work with kids who might be struggling in certain subjects, like math or reading. The kids can come to the resource room during class or even after school to get extra help or work on their homework.

The resource room usually has lots of different materials like books, worksheets, and special games that help kids learn. The teachers in the resource room are patient and kind, and they work with the kids until they understand the schoolwork.

So, it's kind of like having a secret clubhouse or hideout where you can go when you need some extra help with homework or when you just want a quiet place to focus on your schoolwork.