ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Special school

A special school is a school that is designed especially for kids who need extra help and support because they have different kinds of disabilities. Some kids have trouble seeing or hearing, while others may struggle with things like reading or writing. These schools have special teachers who are trained to meet the needs of these kids and use special tools and techniques to help them learn.

Just like how some kids need glasses to help them see better, some kids need extra help to learn and understand things better. Special schools are there to help those kids so that they can learn and grow like every other kid. They can also help kids make friends with other kids who face similar challenges as them so that they feel more included and happier.

In special schools, kids can learn at their own pace and in ways that work best for them. The classes are usually small, so the students get a lot of attention and support from their teachers. The teachers are very patient and understanding because they know it can be hard for some kids to learn certain things.

Overall, special schools are a place where some kids can go to get the extra help and support they need to succeed in school and life. They are a safe and welcoming place where every kid is accepted and valued, no matter what their abilities are.