ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Individualized Education Plan

An individualized education plan (IEP) is a special and specific plan for a child who needs extra help in school because of a disability or some other reason.

The IEP helps teachers and parents work together to make sure the child gets the right kind of help they need to learn and succeed in school.

The plan has many parts, including the child's strengths, areas in which they need extra help, and goals for what they should be able to do at the end of the year.

Everyone who works with the child, including the teachers, the parents, and even the child themselves, gets a copy of the plan so they can work together to help the child reach their goals.

The plan also includes any special services and resources the child might need, like special education classes or a speech therapist, as well as accommodations, such as more time on tests or special seating in the classroom.

All of these things are put into the IEP to make sure that the child has the best chance of learning and succeeding in school, meeting their full potential, and making progress towards their goals.