ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Respiratory alkalosis

Respiratory alkalosis happens when a person breathes too quickly, making their blood too basic. When we breathe in air with oxygen, our body takes in the oxygen and gets rid of the carbon dioxide by breathing it out. Carbon dioxide is a type of gas that can change the acidity or basicity of the blood.

Sometimes when we breathe too quickly, we get rid of too much carbon dioxide too fast. This makes our blood too basic because there is not enough carbon dioxide to balance out the chemicals in our blood. This can happen when we are scared, nervous or we are exercising a lot.

Our body has a special system that helps to balance out the acid and base levels in our blood called the acid-base balance. This system can help us get back to a normal level of acidity or basicity in our blood.

Some symptoms of respiratory alkalosis are feeling dizzy, faint, lightheaded or confused. If someone is experiencing respiratory alkalosis, they should take slow, deep breaths and try to relax. In some cases, medical attention might be needed to bring the acid-base balance back to normal.