ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Right of way (shipping)

Right of way in shipping means that when two ships are moving in the same area, the ship that has the right of way gets to keep going in its intended direction while the other ship has to change its course to avoid a collision. It's kind of like when you and a friend are walking towards each other on the sidewalk and one of you has to move to the side so you don't bump into each other.

Different types of ships have different right of way rules. For example, a big cargo ship usually has the right of way over a smaller fishing boat because it can't move out of the way as easily.

Just like with people walking, it's important for ships to follow right of way rules so they don't crash into each other and cause damage or even sink. That's why ships have really good navigational equipment and communication systems to make sure they know where other ships are and who has the right of way.